The course focuses on two broad issues: understanding 16mm celluloid film
as a hands-on artistic medium, from its chemistry to its practical applications,
and exploring how filmmaking can relate to the environs of the San Juan Islands. We will
study in depth how photochemical film works. From this knowledge, we will address, on the
one hand, the standard commercial materials and processes and how to use and manipulate them,
and, on the other, how to create our own materials and processes, as well as places and ways to work.
We will project films on the ocean's shore, under the stars.
Meanwhile, we will make numerous expeditions to locations around Orcas and other islands,
exploring the marine environment on land and both on and under water.
The week will be filled with screenings, discussions, lectures, and immersion in a beautiful
place. Plan to arrive on Saturday, June 8th,
and stay until Saturday morning, June 16th. Friday night will be our final
party and screening of what we've done.
We will be working mostly in 16mm, and may also use some Super 8 depending on the interests
of the participants. We will have several Bolex and Kodak Cine Special cameras, as well
as a Bell and Howell Underwater camera (and feel free to bring Your Own Camera, if you
have one!).
All chemistry will be provided, as well as standard film stocks (Kodak 7163 HiCon,
7302 B+W print Stock, and Double X).
We will have printing and editing equipment, projectors, souund recorders, microphones, etc..
Free (and beautiful) camping is the suggested way to go. The waether is mild and dry at
this time of year. A limited number of rooms are
also available for an additional fee; please contact us right away if you're interested
Meals are an integral part of the experience, and all the food is vegan and as local as
possible, prepared by our amazing chef, Cynthia Sliker -- though we may include some local
seafood that we catch ourselves!
Early Registration Cost (if paid in full before February 3, 2025): $850 full / $750 students
On February 3, the registration cost will increase somewhat, so register today!
The workshop cost includes film, film equipment and chemistry, classes, class materials,
camping, food, and transportation on the island. Transportation to and from Orcas Island is not included.
We will pick you up at either the ferry terminal or float plane dock on Orcas.
If you fly into Seattle, then take the
Belair Shuttle to the
Anacortes ferry terminal, and get on a
ferry to Orcas island (Note that the summer schedule isn't up yet...).
Please check schedules and fares at
the links above and see what works.
Alternatively, you can fly directly to Orcas Island by float plane on
Kenmore Air to West Sound or Rosario (which is beautiful, but
much more expensive).
Early Registration (if paid in full by March 30, 2025): $850 full / $750 students
Regular Registration (as of March 31, 2025): $950 full / $850 students
On March 31st, the registration cost will increase somewhat, so register today!
You may pay in full, or start by paying a deposit. A deposit of US$300 will hold your place in the camp. The balance is due on or before arrival at the camp. Both the deposit and balance are non-refundable, except in the
very unlikely event of cancellation on our part. You can send us a check at our address, 1124 Ridge Road, Ward, CO, 80481, or pay
online using the buttons below: