Wilderness Filmmaking Expedition June 21 - 30, 2025

"A wilderness, in contrast with areas where man and his works dominate the landscape, is an area where the earth and its community of life are untrammeled, where man is a visitor who does not remain"

An Emulsion in the Wilderness: in lightning Agnes  The 2014 Wilderness Film Expedition makes a film and its emulsion too!
Mt. Zikel

We spend ten days immersed in a wild mountain landscape, allowing it to enter into our minds and bodies, so that each participant can craft independent visions of the place that reflect our presence there at every level. We will articulate these images and thoughts of landscape, plants, animals, light, ourselves -- everything we encounter -- onto film, and then edit together a composite vision of a pristine wilderness that we finish and screen on location in the Wild.

We will do all our living, shooting, processing, and watching off-trail in the high mountains. We will be immersed in our subject, the wild outdoors. We will practice zero-emissions techniques, carrying out any chemistry that is left over, leaving, in the words of John Muir, only footprints -- and trying not to leave many of those! Our goal will be the exploration of our relationship to a wild landscape, both as people and as filmmakers, and through film make these insights visible to others. We will shoot by day, and process, print, and project (yes, project!) by night, all in a truly wild location. We will carry all our equipment on our backs, equipment which has been pared down and made light-weight, improved for every trip since we first went in 2008.

This will be an unforgettable experience, and is limited to eight participants.

Guide Robert Schaller, in addition to providing the filmmaking expertise, is an experienced climber, backcountry traveller, and wilderness guide who has been visiting remote areas since he was six weeks old. He was trained as a Wilderness First Responder through the Willderness Medical Institute (a part of NOLS). Gourmet vegetarian food is provided (arranged by our guiding chef extraordinaire, Cynthia Sliker).

Participants will be required to bring adequate backpacking equipment and clothing.  This trip will be at high altitude (10,000 - 12,500 feet), and will be on rugged and strenuous terrain.  No glacier travel or technical rock climbing will be required, but familiarity with wilderness travel is a plus.  Experience is not required, but good health and good physical condition are.

If you're interested in participating, please let us know!